Back to the harsh reality of Winter Pike fishing

Back to the harsh reality of Winter Pike fishing November 24th, 2015 There are times in life when I really do think I’m suffering some sort of early onset daftness.…

Winter is just around the corner

Winter is just around the corner November 6th, 2015 Well here we are the day after bonfire night and the days are drawing rapidly shorter. I’m down on the big…

Autumn surprises.

Autumn surprises. October 20th, 2015 It’s the run up to clocks back and most of the trees are dressed in their Autumn finery -at least till the first gales strip…

True confessions time: I Love Big Perch

True confessions time: I Love Big Perch September 16th, 2015 AS many of my regular visitors to these pages are well aware, I love summer perch fishing. In some innocent…

It’s the holes in the hands time of year again

It’s the holes in the hands time of year again July 23rd, 2015 Now before I get harrassed and threatened with serious personal damage for blasphemy by Methodist or C…

Remarkable Lure Fishing and a lesson learned

Remarkable Lure Fishing and a lesson learned June 27th, 2015 As a busy professional guide and instructor It is not often that I get chance to fish for myself. Yes,…

Summer, some good perch,and a salmon

Summer, some good perch,and a salmon June 12th, 2015 We have had a few days of almost good weather up here in the Lake District, and apart from very chilly…