Catch This! Blog

Trouble at ‘t’ mill all sorted!

Trouble at ‘t’ mill all sorted! February 27th, 2018 Thanks to Frank Kimble for flagging up the lack of wordage on the ‘catch this’ pages. They had all vanished into…

Pike are just around the corner…

Pike are just around the corner… February 5th, 2018 Actually the title should read “Pike are just down the road”, because at the moment the Beagle is sitting on her…

Back down to the big pond

Back down to the big pond October 29th, 2017 It is the time of year where I leave the perch to their deep water devices, put the salmon rods away…

Salmon chanting evening…. (in the key of E minor)

Salmon chanting evening…. (in the key of E minor) October 13th, 2017 For far too many years now I have been afflicted with yet another seasonal distraction that somehow takes…

Yes it is Perching time again

Yes it is Perching time again September 18th, 2017 Well here we are at the end of another glorious summer and as the nights begin the slow draw down towards…

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