Spring and the days are hotting up!

Spring and the days are hotting up! April 13th, 2009 Well the days are getting longer, the trees bursting forth and even the fish have switched on and though we…

March 2009

March 2009 March 2nd, 2009 Well, we have frogspawn in the garden pond and the birds are busy building nests so hopefully, spring is just around the corner. The lakes…


MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL December 23rd, 2008 Hello there and welcome to Erics Fishing site. This is just a short update to wish you all the best for the…

December Update

December Update November 30th, 2008 Salmon fishing ended at the end of October and we went out in style with seven fish for the last week in spite of really…

The adventures of “Fishless Pedley”

The adventures of “Fishless Pedley” October 8th, 2008 With all the rain in recent weeks it was only a matter of time before the bigger salmon started running. True, we…

Summertime…and the fishin’ is

Summertime…and the fishin’ is June 9th, 2008 With river levels at absolute rock bottom, trout and salmon fishing is temporarily in the doldrums but the lake fishing more than makes…

April/May update

April/May update May 15th, 2008 After a few great days pike fishing in April – nice one Captain Nicholls and Shaun, it all quietened down for while on the pike…

Latest news update

Latest news update March 24th, 2008 Pike update…..Well the cold snap has slowed sport right down in recent weeks which in a way has been fortunate for the bigger pike…

Windows of Opportunity

Windows of Opportunity January 28th, 2008 With all this foul weather of recent weeks there hasn’t been much opportunity to get out on either the rivers or lakes. Indeed the…