December Update
November 30th, 2008
Salmon fishing ended at the end of October and we went out in style with seven fish for the last week in spite of really high water conditions. This brought our total to eighteen for the season. On the pike front things finally settled down in the early weeks of November and we managed to get out for a few piking sessions and had some very good fish. I had a four fish session on Windermere with pike to 24.8 to sit and wait tactics using my latest madcap bait idea…(it’s a secret but trust me… it works!) and we also a great day float trolling a few days later where we had eight up mid double figures. Other days produced just a few chances as the pike seem to be re adjusting themselves into winter mode. Beyond this the fishing has slowed down on the northern lakes and I’ve taken the Doghouse off the water for the time being for repairs but she’s up on the trailer ready to go if we get a suitable winter weather window. Writing this at the end of November it’s a perishing minus six outside and Derwentwater is beginning to freeze in the bays so piking at present is a job for the hard men who have already done the decorating and got to the bottom of the domestic chores list! In case I don’t get chance before Christmas, Have a good one and I’ll hopefully see many of you again next year. If you are stuck for pressies…Gift vouchers are available!!!-and if you’re after one of the lure rods…they are all sold out and you will have to wait a month or two for the next batch.
Tarra, Eric

Alan Reville with one on a float trolled bait

Roll on Summer!!!!

Last of the season on the fly