March 2009
March 2nd, 2009
Well, we have frogspawn in the garden pond and the birds are busy building nests so hopefully, spring is just around the corner. The lakes are slowly ‘warming’ up (4.5 C. last weekend!) and down on the river, large dark olives are hatching in abundance to the delight of anglers and fish alike. At least that’s how it should be, although on the occasions I’ve been down the Eden recently the fish have taken some finding. At this time of year, mid day normally offers the best chance of a fish or two on the Dry fly while on mild days a well fished bug in the pool tails brings a few Grayling at dusk. Although trout fishing season opens in a fortnight many local anglers wait till April before having a serious shot at trout fishing. Tiny came up last weekend and we took the Orkney out on Derwentwater for a few hours. With the wind gusting all over the place fishing was hard going but we managed a couple of pike to static baits and one on a lure. Best was just above ten pounds but the highlight was Tinys’ capture of a near three pound perch on a plug. We were coming in when he spotted it mooching round the Marina pilings and while I got the boat trailer, he dug out a suitable plug, pulled it past the boat where he’d seen the perch and seconds later hauled the fish in. Much to the delight of the folk in the cafe who watched the whole thing unfold. Sadly no picture but it was a great example of opportunist angling and best of all marked the start of a productive few days for Tiny. On the way back to Swansea he stopped off at the Wye and had a 5.12 chub and two ten pound Barbel. Jammy hound. Which all goes to show that all you need is luck (in the right place and at the right time). As for me, I’m off down to Windermere this week for a few days so we’ll see if any of Tinys lucky streak has rubbed off! Meanwhile here’s a couple of Barbus Max pictures to whet a few appetites. Tarra, Eric

Tinys February Barbel- 10lb 8 oz

Just another double figure Barbus Maximus !