February Piking is just a few days away!!!

February Piking is just a few days away!!! February 3rd, 2013 With the days stretching out a little I’ve been servicing engines, sorting rods, oiling reels and generally getting ready…

Another Christmas Entry

Another Christmas Entry December 19th, 2012 Its that time of year when all is more or less safely gathered in, and the fireside seems a wiser option than fishing. Yes…I…

November and back on the big lake

November and back on the big lake November 11th, 2012 As I drove down to Windermere this morning the sky was blue and the Grasmere valley bottom an ocean of…

Its that Autumn time again

Its that Autumn time again October 2nd, 2012 Well, the summer is finally over and we can say farewell to another season of long hot days and sultry nights……. In…

Summer, Perch and a carp

Summer, Perch and a carp August 12th, 2012 With the hot days of late – and we have made the most of all four of them ! It has felt a…

Summer hols and junior angler sessions

Summer hols and junior angler sessions July 17th, 2012 Hello all, This is sort of an on line advert in response to all those parents who have asked for some…

Dont you just love the summer !!!!!

Dont you just love the summer !!!!! June 29th, 2012 Every winter I dream of this time of year- long blue sky days, gentle winds and steady drifts with enough…

Here comes summer…….. Hopefully

Here comes summer…….. Hopefully May 21st, 2012 As I sit writing this on a rare morning off, the sun is streaming into the rod room and at last we seem…


LOCH AWE 2012 April 29th, 2012 Just a week ago, the usual bunch of Fearless Fishing Society stalwarts ( I think thats what the logo on the fleeces stands for!!)…

Additional update on the Big Lake fishings

Additional update on the Big Lake fishings March 16th, 2012 Well I have lifted the Beagle off Windermere for the time being as the pike are starting their spawning and…