Summer hols and junior angler sessions
July 17th, 2012
Hello all, This is sort of an on line advert in response to all those parents who have asked for some fishing guidance for their young would be anglers over the summer holidays. To try and keep it affordable I am running a couple of junior pike and perch fishing sessions on Derwentwater over the summer hols and a float fishing teach in down at Ellerbeck fishery at Brigham. Cost will depend on the numbers but I expect it will no more than £20.00 per child per session. With small groups (max 5), I can ensure each angler gets the best of attention and will return safe and full of enthusiasm All kit and equipment providede but if your son or daughter has their own please bring them along and we can make sure they are fishing correctly and have appropriate end tackle etc Dates: Pike n Perch :Sat 4 Aug. and Mon 20th sessions at 9.30 -12am and 1.30 -4.00. Prior booking is essential. Please call ERIC on 07771 763067 or e mail for more details. Hopefully we can help them along the road to becoming good safe anglers with an interest and care for the waterside environment. ps. I am Enhanced CRB checked, first aid qualified and insured!! I look forward to hearing from you.( I think!)

This what we are looking for

Jacks Perch

Benny and his first pike. Happy birthday!