March -in like a lion but no beasties yet

March -in like a lion but no beasties yet March 6th, 2012 Hi all. By popular request an update as to how the spring fishing has been so far… Well…You…

Its February!! Spring is just around the corner

Its February!! Spring is just around the corner February 2nd, 2012 Hello all you anglers and would be fly casters. With longer days and a hint of warmth in the…


MERRY CHRISTMAS and a FISHY NEW YEAR December 17th, 2011 Well its that time of year again, when the shortest day is almost upon us and all is more or…

Its that piking time of year again

Its that piking time of year again October 27th, 2011 The trees have their autumn suits on, there are salmon in the rivers and the with the onset of shorter…

Autumn, Salmon fishing and Big Pike

Autumn, Salmon fishing and Big Pike September 4th, 2011 Well in case you hadn’t noticed, the long hot days of summer (both of them) are drawing to a close, and…

Settling in, catching fish and falling in.

Settling in, catching fish and falling in. July 17th, 2011 Apologies for the delay in updating the site but with moving house its all been a bit hectic here at…

Loch Awe 2011

Loch Awe 2011 May 7th, 2011 I will try and write this one without using the word ‘Awesome’. Oops too late!! What else can I say about a trip to…


April and the Trout are About

April and the Trout are About April 5th, 2011 Well with winter seemingly behind us (allegedly) the trout fishing is beginning to improve and in spite of occasional chilly sessions…

Spring pike fishing and some great specimens

Spring pike fishing and some great specimens March 2nd, 2011 After a slow start things have been picking up on the Lake District pike fishing scene and we have had…