April and the Trout are About
April 5th, 2011
Well with winter seemingly behind us (allegedly) the trout fishing is beginning to improve and in spite of occasional chilly sessions we have had some grand fish and seen some good hatches of Olives down on the river. These really are civilised insects with the bulk of the activity from mid morning to mid afternoon. On those days when the trout have really made the most of the hatches some great catches have been had with one angler having over a dozen good fish on a recent visit to the middle Eden. Even over here on the Derwent some grand fish are showing up. Mike Marshall had a three pounder off the lower Derwent and Nicolas, the Russian envoy from Kiev boated a couple from Derwentwater. Amazingly I even got him to put the fish back which must be some sort of a record for a Russian angler! NIce one Nick. Phil Done -(Yes him again!) features once more this month with a nice Derwentwater trout caught within minutes of trying out a new pattern of cut plug. According to my sources up in the real north, these are the business when it comes to targetting early season wild trout, and current results are very encouraging_ Elsewhere we have been out and about on various smaller streams exploring new possible waters with some interesting results- I watched a pair of fish well over two pounds pushing quickly upstream on Newlands beck the other afternoon. Typically by the time I returned with rod in hand….the fish were no-where to be seen. but undaunted I wandered a mile or so upriver and found a great little pool with tumbling waterfall and three cracking brownies willing to have a go at a bushy emerger pattern. A bit tricky with overhanging habitat all over the place but very satisfying. I must have a look at my other secret stream this next month …if we get a little steady rain there are some very good fish to be had. And who knows..there might even be a few spring salmon around shortly. All this and the lure fishing for pike picks up as well. I like Spring.
Tarra Eric

Nick with his about to be returned trout !

Into one on the Eden