Well the boats are off the water for maintenance, there’s snow on the tops of the Lake District mountains, salmon have finished spawning in the stream at the bottom of our valley, and we’ve gone down with a festive bug!. Yes it’s the week before Christmas!. At least we have just passed the midwinter Solstice and slowly at first but then becoming obvious, the days will be getting longer, and as they do so my smile will get bigger. Winter is great when we get those crisp frost and snow blue sky days and I can get out hiking on the hills, but as a man who runs better on sunshine, my winter fell walking has been put on hold due to endless grey and damps weather. Never mind, I’ll just have to get out and go fishing for Grayling and take up a few offers to explore some rivers in South west Scotland as well as sneaking a day or two piking with friends..
Looking back through the diary, here at Hemmingways Angling – we have had a very busy year which is hardly surprising as clients continually remind us we have some of the best Fishing Guides in the land, and I have no doubt this coming season will see us once again introducing plenty of folks to some of the wonderful fishing experiences here in the beautiful Lake District. Whist Eric is still trying (and failing) to slow down and do more fishing for himself, we now have George Gate guiding some of the Derwentwater Days and Wayne O Sullivan guiding on Windermere. Both are real characters and with experience of hundreds of hours on the water are real knowledgeable guys with whom sharing a boat is always an informative delight. Eric will still do much of the fly tuition and guiding as well as keeping his regular clients entertained but Mike Tinnion will be helping with some of the trout guiding as well.
We close down during the winter months for repairs and a rest but start again out on the lakes in mid February looking for pike, then the trout season starts again in Mid March and its all systems go from then onwards with a few adventures in other places planned as well.
Otherwise this is just a short note to say a huge thanks for all your custom, and hope to see you again in the future.
Stay safe, treasure each moment and remember:

life is short so make the most of it and go fishing!!!