Wet Weather News
November 21st, 2009
Firstly a huge THANK YOU to so many of you for all the calls of support and enquiries as to how we are doing here in rainswept Cumbria. The simple answer is that we are ok. However others in the immediate area have not fared so well as you might well have seen on the telly. With over a foot of rain in 24 hours, things around the Derwent catchment have been as bad as we have ever seen, with some areas of devastaion having an almost biblical feel. The main picture some of you might recognise with our usual jetty 3 meeting up place some seven feet under water. You should have seen it the day before!! I didn’rt have chance to take pictures as I was too busy moving boats at the marina and helping shift people and belongings to higher ground. Sad news though is that it looks like many of this years returning salmon will have had their eggs washed out, and the trout population will have had a right bettering. The additional smaller pictures show the Newlands Beck at Little Braithwaite where the bridge was washed away and the river has dug a new channel. The old watercourse, now dry, is visible to the right of the onlookers and the new course runs away towards Skiddaw over what was once farmland. Most years at this time in November I would be out looking for returning salmon just upstream of the picture site but I cannot help thinking there might be a lot fewer fish to be seen after all this.

Keswick Landings….

This was a field yesterday. The view downstream

Old river course to the right of onlookers