We have been exceedingly busy out on the water and down the rivers over the past few months. I have been teaching a lot of happy anglers to cast a fly line and spending time on the rivers in search of trout, while Matt and my other guides have been out on the lakes meeting some great Perch and inevitably,yes a few pike. With the spring having been a bit chilly some days have been difficult but knowing the waters as we do there’s always a few decent fish to be found. But its not always about just catching fish. Sometimes just being out on the water is simply good therapy and as I have often said, the person who returns home after a days fishing is usually much calmer than the one who closed the door behind them much earlier that day. However, on quite a few occasions as a full time fishing guide I have thought provoking moments where what is important in life seems curiously enhanced. And I had one of these this last week after fishing with two good people from very different lives.
The first few days were spent fly fishing for Trout on the Derwent and Eamont rivers with one of my regular clients. Now Warwick is a well travelled and experienced angler, as successful with a fly rod as he is in business and we share some grand days on the water. On the Derwent there were a few Mayfly hatching as well as various other insects and the trout were happy to pay us a visit. As were a chub, a few roach and one or two juvenile salmon. A tricky day on Windermere fly fishing for pike was followed by a great day on the Eamont with almost a dozen beautiful trout, and all was well with the world. Next day, Friday is usually a day that is reserved for me. Typically I will catch up on domestic stuff or, if I can and there are enough brownie points in the bag I will sneak off for a few hours fishing on my own. On this occasion I did neither but instead went out on the lake with one of the best young anglers I have encountered in a very long time.
Vlad, a nine year old Ukranian was up in the Lake District with his mother, brother and their host family, a long way from their home in Kyiv. Back there he fished with his dad who has other matters to attend to but had taught him well. Vlad is a credit to his family, being polite and really good company. We laughed a lot, shared tricks, techniques and stories via a phone app transalator. Vlad caught a perch on the first cast, then a few more and a pike and I learned a little Ukrainan. When he left with Chris who had accompanied him on the trip, there were smiles all round.
Motoring back up the lake to the mooring I reflected on the day and the week as a whole. I had met with two good anglers from very different lives. Two different backgrounds and histories but yet both rewarded me in two very different ways.
Curiously thought provoking business this fishing.

International angling lessons.
Stay safe ,