Summertime…and the fishin’ is
June 9th, 2008
With river levels at absolute rock bottom, trout and salmon fishing is temporarily in the doldrums but the lake fishing more than makes up for it with some cracking summer pike. Recent notables include Tony Martins first pike which took a slowly fished lure off Derwentwater, and Andy Naylors remarkable weekend of fish which produced a day of six pike and this amazing specimen 5lb eel. Next day we met early in the morning as the forecast was for another hot day. By two in the afternoon we ran out of bait and had coaxed 17 pike into ‘The Doghouse’. Best was 12lb but all went like stink and we had a couple of double hook ups. All great fun. Earlier last week we also had a very successful filming session for sky TVs fishing channel catching pike on the fly. Watch out for big daft grins, tail walking pike and screaming reels coming soon on a telly near you.!!

Faceless Andy Naylor and an acrobatic specimen.

Tony Martin and a his first Pike

Same man, different fish