Spring…what Spring !!!
March 22nd, 2013
Don’t you love the old sayings … March comes in like a lion and goes out like a bad tempered Siberian Tiger on acid!!!! Sorry, but after a great start on Windermere the weather turned against us all and while one or two lucky anglers had a few fish, almost constant easterly winds made the fishing very hard indeed. We did have a fair few fish though but when I get six calls a day from other anglers out on the water asking for advice its got to be hard going! Maybe I need an 0800 number ’ Ask Eric for updated fishing tips!’…but then perhaps not. Seriously though with a water temperature hovering around 4 degrees the fish are just not actively moving around as they usually are at this time of year. Water temp was 8 degrees same weeks last year so little wonder the fish are being weirder than usual. No doubt once we finally lose these easterly winds and we are back to some real spring weather the pike will feed with a vengance and someone will call to shout about a monster or two. At least with the lousy fishing Windermere has been fairly quiet on the angling front so the pike have had a break from fishermen. I lifted the Beagle off yesterday having seen the forecast and at the time of writing it’s snowing like fury with drifts over the top of the walls and birds are flying backwards from the feeders! Hopefully it will start getting a bit warmer as we approach Easter but my guess is that we are in for a few more doses of winter before the weather truly turns spring like, so don’t put the thermals away just yet. As a tempter for the trout fisherman though here’s a stunning six pound fish from the big lake as well as a couple of the pike that we did find and persuade to have a go. Keep wrapped up.
Tarra, Eric

Tom Mc George and a personal best smile.

John Singleton breaks his winter blues

Now thats a proper Trout