Settling in, catching fish and falling in.
July 17th, 2011
Apologies for the delay in updating the site but with moving house its all been a bit hectic here at Hope Hall. However….. now we’re getting sort of settled in there’s lots to report from the fishing front with some great trout taking dry flies on the local river as well as superb pike and perch fishing on the lakes. The trout have been very obliging on the Derwent with some fine fish on skated dry flies. Dave Dykes had a grand day out with a double figure tally of fish up to 15 inches and some beautifully marked wild fish into the bargain. Mark Thurling visiting from Australia followed Erics advice regarding stealth and in pursuit of a pike resting against the weeds on the far side of the river, slid quietly down the bank to get into position for a cast. Unfortunately he didn’t stop there and executed a very smooth disappearing act going right under water before bobbing back up. All credit to the man as he shook himself dry, then continued fishing as if nothing unusual had happened. Nice one Mark. And he caught fish! Out on the lakes the bigger pike are feeding early and late but I have discovered a great method for improving anglers catches during the main part of the day. In spite of early doubts I’ve become a total convert to fishing jigs on the drift and recent days afloat have seen us catching good numbers of perch to nearly three pounds as well as enough pike to keep any angler happy. As if this were not enough, the lower Derwent is enjoying a return to form with the sea trout seemingly back in good numbers. After a few very lean years, several good fish to five pounds have been caught and returned and as I write this in mid July, the river is well up and we are hoping for an early Salmon or two as well. YE Ha! Just an early reminder….Don’t forget the winter pike fishing. Windermere will once again be the target from November to March and with some great fish to be had I do get booked well in advance. So if you fancy a shot at a twenty pounder get in early.
Meanwhile, I have fish to catch, Tarra.

Post ducking trout for Mark Thurling

And its that time of year again, We love perching!

Warwick Alabaster and another good one on the fly