Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year
December 25th, 2009
Happy Christmas and a peaceful new Year to all our guests and clients from all over the world. After the floods of last month we now have SNOW!!! Here in the Lake District we have had snow lying on the ground for over ten consecutive days and a proper old fashioned Christmas has been had by all. Fishing has taken a festive back seat in the sleigh ride of life and as lakes are chilly and slow, roads treacherously icy I have taken up rod building, book writing and skiing as better options to fill a winter day. Mind you we had some good days just before Christmas …not always fish filled but with enough good ones to warm an anglers heart. So I hope you all have a good one and I look forward to seeing you out on the water one of these days.
Best wishes to all of you.

Erics Christmas pressent -22lb

Setting out

Christmas Cabin