Loch Awe 2011
May 7th, 2011
I will try and write this one without using the word ‘Awesome’. Oops too late!! What else can I say about a trip to Argyll where we battled with over fourty of the hardest fighting pike on the planet and included in the haul were several either over or just below the magical twenty pounds and one which although not weighed was estimated as nudging thirty and had a go at Ben Haynes when he tried to straddle the beast to get the hooks out! Andy Mac Donald and Ben had a fabulous few hours when the fish were really feeding hard. Take a look at the float in the background of Andy Macs pike from a favourite bay. It really is moving that fast! AS well as catching in the bays we also had some real epic scraps with fish from elsewhere including a 19 lb fish that pulled the boat round twice weaving through two other lines to make a right old mess. These highland pike are some sort of a sub species, with more aggression,bigger and seemingly more teeth than their southern cousins and a look in their eyes that almost challenges any approach. Even after a ten minute fight, rested and laid on the net for unhooking they were having a go as soon as the forceps come withing range. Scary business dealing with pike that watch and tense up ready to spring as your hand approaches. I still have the scars to prove it and we all take away dreams from such places.
Roll on the next one!!

Going equiped

Bennet Hogg does it again

Careful now Ted..