Latest news update
March 24th, 2008
Pike update…..Well the cold snap has slowed sport right down in recent weeks which in a way has been fortunate for the bigger pike drifting around the bays prior to spawning as the cold has kept many anglers off the water.Constant bitterly cold north and easterly winds have made the fishing very hard. Two sessions on Windermere produced very little and Derwentwater gave us a couple of fish to 13lb. Not much reward for th hardy souls who braved wild weather. The cold has made trout fishing difficult as well although a recent visit to the Eden gave us some nice trout when a big hatch of olives came off one overcast day last week. Two hours of fishing and several trout and three grayling made the frostbitten toes almost worthwhile. The forecast is for warmer weather which is good news as I’m off to Loch Awe for a weeks serious pike and ferox fishing with Tiny and Matt. Before then we’re off to the Eden for a couple of days spring salmon fishing. Watch this space… I’ll keep you posted!

Best pike of the winter- 27.4 Windermere