Its that piking time of year again
October 27th, 2011
The trees have their autumn suits on, there are salmon in the rivers and the with the onset of shorter days, the pike are on the prowl. I like Autumn.There is a definite frisson of excitement on the lakes as the pike begin to fatten up and we are meeting some great conditioned fish, and having some wonderful days Hot on the heels of a great day salmon fishing with the big rod on a middle Derwent beat I’ve had a couple of superb half term days piking with younger anglers. best of the fish was this one for Ben Conman on a small savage lure as part of an eight fish day. His dad also had a fifteen pounder as well. Then there was the incident with otter, a polaris pike on the fly for Jon Bowler, and this cracking fish for Kieran on a trolled lure. Not bad for a carp angler. His mate Simon had a good double for a first pike as part of a nine fish session. The fish are definitely settling into winter quarters and it does make you wonder what lies ahead. Whatever the winter throws at us I’m rather looking forward to it. The Beagle will be down on Windermere for the latter half of November and I’m looking forward to the usual pre Christmas meetings with some of the great fish this water has top offer. The early part of this year was simply marvellous and with knowledge gleaned from previous seasons tucked under the life jacket I’m really looking forward to it.
Watch this space!! tarra.

Ben Conman and this superb 14 lb specimen

And we also met this chap as well

And then Kieran had this one