I suppose I should offer an excuse for the delay in updating the web site, but I have been just too busy out on the water with folks, and some things had to give- updating this web site being one of them!
But here’s a quick catch up for our regular visitors and anyone new to the area having a browse about fishing options here in the Lake District and elsewhere. Andy Mac and I stole a week up on Loch Awe at the end of April and had a superb visit to this massive water. Finding fish in 24 miles of wild Scottish loch is not always easy but with many years experience up there we did very well indeed. Best day produced 19 fish to around eighteen pounds and all gave us a right old battle. For those who have never fished up in the Highlands the pike there are a very different species and fight like fury both in and out of the water!. If you ever venture northwards don’t forget the first aid kit cos you will need it!
I’ll post some pictures of Awe Pike on another occasion but any blood seen in the photos is from Andy and I not the pike. You have been warned.
Closer to home our guide George has been out on Derwentwater with some very happy anglers introducing them to some excellent perch and pike while Wayne O Sullivan, our top man on Windermere has also been busy introducing anglers, both new and experienced to some cracking pike. Days with these two legendary safe and entertaining guides are becoming very popular and it’s good to be able to get other folks involved, especially as I am trying to do less guiding and fish more for me. (No chance!)
Meanwhile, I have been really busy teaching and guiding fly fishing on the rivers. With summer heading in and the long days here it is a time of change for anglers in the Lake District and although we do still catch a few pike, once the water temperature gets above 18 degrees C. they do not always survive even though they swim away ok. As fish welfare is paramount we tend to leave them alone and concentrate of perch and trout fishing instead. For the really determined there is even a chance of a salmon or sea trout on the lower river especially after a couple of days rainfall.
Which is what we have just had, and so with the Derwent running off after a four foot flood and clearing, I have a salmon and sea trout fishing itch that needs to be scratched.
So take care, stay safe and remember…”The person who returns home after a fishing trip, is a more contented individual than the one who closed the door behind them earlier in the day”.