In the Deep Midwinter..
February 4th, 2010
In case you hadn’t noticed, we have been having a bit of a proper winter of late. Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite have been totally frozen over and skaters and toboggans have replaced boats and fishing rods. I even had two serious requests for Ice Fishing!! My apologies to the pikers of PAC region 31 for having to re schedule the talk (to November) but the weather was really grim (-7) and I didn’t want folk to put their lives at risk just to hear some bearded bloke talk about fish! Over the past week I have been driving past Grasmere and Rydal every morning and both have been ice bound. Even though I love the winter and the snow it has been getting a bit much and the fishing has been difficult with water surface temperatures on Windermere down to 3 degrees. As a consequence, fishing has been a bit slow although a few hardy souls have braved it out. Best fish we had this last week or so was this twenty two pounder for Bennett Hogg. The other picture is Shane Harvey from Cambridge who had this 13 off a deep water shelf. Now the weather is set to warm up there should be a bit more activity on the pike front but we could really do with an extended settled spell of mild weather. Whatever happens I’ll probably get out next week and have a look for a few Grayling. The Annan is rumoured to be throwing some good fish as is the Eden and with rain forecast there might even be a chance of spring salmon or a few grayling on a dry fly. There’s nothing like optimism!!

Bennet Hoggs first twenty


Happy Birthday Shane Harvey