December 26th, 2007
Hello and welcome to Erics web site. Just a few lines to thank all my clients and friends from this and previous years for all your support. I hope you all have a suitably enjoyable festive time and the new year brings you all you deserve. There is lots of new stuff planned for the fishing this next year including a range of pike fishing rods which I am developing with Steve Harrison of Harrison Rods in Liverpool. These will include a 9 foot lure rod perfect for hurling a Pool Cue baby to the horizon and also a heavier shorter model for fishing larger lures. I took a couple of prototype rods down to Liverpool before Christmas and the lads at Harrisons were well impressed! The first batch should be ready in the spring. On a general basis, keep an eye on the Angling Times in the new year. Matt Hayes and I had a couple of good pike for a feature destined to appear in the press early January. Also following our exploits I’ve registered the boat with the National Park which means a few visits to Windermere this spring in search of a thirty pounder. There are also visits planned to Scotland hunting Ferox but more of this later. And thats all for now. Take care and I hope to see you in the New Year.

Windermere Sunrise

Same day different shot

Just going fishing