Happy days are here again…..!
June 14th, 2010
Recent rain has rejuvenated the lakes and rivers and the fishing has been just great. Lots of good trout fishing on both Eden and Derwent with fish to a couple of pounds. Best of all though has been the quality of Perch showing up on the lakes in recent weeks. Ellie Mac Donald and her Dad had a great days fishing yesterday with some of the best looking perch we have seen in ages. The one on the top photo was the best and as always she played it like a good un! She even had a seven pound pike a little later whilst float trolling and she was doing the rowing! Not bad for lass of nine years old. I had a distinct feeling that none of us really wanted the day to end, the fishing was so good. The other picture is of William Eddershaw who having had a couple of fish on wet flies had his first attempt at catching trout on the dry fly. With the fly dropped nicely in front of a rising fish on the far side we watched the trout come slowly up, look at the offering, then gently take it. The ensuing scrap was well entertaining and qwe even lost the net!! Great fun. With the summer species beginning to switch on we are really looking forward to meeting up with lots more or these cracking specimens. I’m off tenching on the 16th having a traditional day break session, then later we are going looking for a few Bass on the fly. …AS always…I’ll keep you posted.

Its that Girl again! Ellie mac Donald and Perch

Ellie’s Dad catches fish as well

One on a dry for Will Eddershaw