August 6 2008
August 6th, 2006
Here goes for another recent update on fishing in the north lakes. Trout fishing has slowed down although there are a few sea trout in the river and several salmon have been taken from below Bassenthwaite lake. The north lake district waters have been fsihing well with recent catches including two days of 12 pike all on the fly and some beautiful double figure pike from Loweswater. This under fished water holds some of the most attractive fish in the area and all the usual methods work well, although there are a few reliably good hot spots worth knowing about. Best perch recently was one of 4lb 2 oz for young Andrew Thompson but we’ve had several over two pounds and lots of hundred plus day out. AS the month progresses we look ahead to the autumn which generally produces some of the best sport of the year with the pike feeding hard before winter and the rivers filling with salmon. So far this season there have been a number of bigger than average salmon appearing so we are quietly optimistic about the autumn fishing. Till then I’m heading out into the hills to that secret stream I discovered last year. On the tackle side of things…… That great rod builder Steve Harrison has delivered the perfect Pool Cue Baby rod. After lengthy testing we now have ‘The Derwentwater’ !! At 9 foot long it is light in the hand and designed to cast pcb’s and medium weight lures to the horizon. Not cheap at £135 inc p&p but you know I wouldn’t put my name to any old stick, and they are very good to fish with.

Phil Done does it again

Bennet Hogg leans into one!

One on a dry fly from the middle Derwent