And we’re off !!!
February 19th, 2013
AS those regular visitors to this site are probably very well aware I have been looking forward to the February fishing for a while now. After all, it can produce some cracking pike and so with some excitement I took the Beagle down to Windermere the other Thursday and went out for a look. Not too many boats out which is always a good sign and those that were seem to be spending a lot more time moving about rather than fishing. I guess most of us will chose a mark based on some sort of previous activity and success but if you put together a few slices of learning the results can be quite interesting. Time slots at certain places are a significant part of this and something I have been pondering for a while. Its a fairly well known fact that on Windermere the pike seem to come into some of the plateau areas at dusk, feed overnight on whats available, then as the day grows older drift off to the deeper edges or vanish into the depths to nod off or digest their meal. Like most of my stuff, this is only a daft theory but it gives me a sense of structure to a days fishing and there are a couple of places which do give up fish at certain times of the day. I’m not giving too much away here as they are all well known spots but you need to be there at the right time. With this in mind I have begun hanging out more than the standard ‘give it an hour then move’ brigade of anglers with interesting results. These are a couple of success pictures from a great weekend of fishing before it went bitterly cold and quietend down again…..typical spring, just as you think you are getting amongst ‘em the weather changes and its back to struggling. …Hey ho!!! Still, three twenty pound pike in one weekend is not bad going…these are two of them on one amazing day and a twos up with a pair of doubles.!! In a different tone, a couple of days later I also had a nice upper double with a very large owner treble stuck in the front of its mouth so if you have lost a good fish recently when the hook snapped off a lure and the fish escaped ….It weighed 16lb+ . sorry!!!

A float twitched …,,,,,over there

Daft hat club with a 23.12

John Douch and Stuart Watts